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With summer festivities coming up I love to try and save money by creating some homemade decor and party favors! I decided to create a homemade cake plate this year for my daughters outdoor birthday bash and it was SUPER easy and fun!

Do It Yourself Cake Plate

DIY cake plate supplies

Supplies you’ll need:

Spray paint (any color choice) – $3-$4 per can, you only need one

Small clay pot – $3-$4

Clay Saucer – $5-$6

E6000 Craft Glue (i use this stuff for EVERYTHING) – $2-$3


DIY cake plate process step 1

Step 1 – Glue the pieces together:

Take your E6000 glue and glue the bottom of the small clay pot to the bottom of the clay saucer, you can measure or ‘eyeball’ this part to get it in the center. I am not near as detail oriented as my husband so I just eyeballed it the best I could.

Place a heavy item on the top to give it some weight and let it sit for up to 2-3 hours to make sure the glue holds before moving it. We used our old Home Depot DIY book, I knew this would come in handy for something!


Step 2 – Spray Paint:

Time for the fun part, spray painting! Spray a nice coat around the cake plate and on top. Make sure to hold the spray at least a foot away to get a more even coat and prevent runs. Let this dry for about an hour and go back for another round. I did about 3-4 solid coats on mine since the clay color is quite a bit darker than the blue I was using. (fun note.. I started out with robin’s egg color and during my third spray picked up the blue color instead so my cake plate is actually multi-colored haha)


Step 3 – Spray Paint Some More:

Once that is set turn the cake plate over and give it the same amount of coats along the bottom side. Don’t worry about coating the inside of the clay pot, no one will ever see it so there’s no reason to worry about it.

And that’s it, you’re done! You can also get some paint and stencils to style it up a bit more if you’d like, I prefer to keep my a base color but the decorating options are just about endless with the do it yourself cake plate!

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